Linggo, Hunyo 30, 2019

Laser Technology for Teeth Whitening

Laser teeth whitening in Macquarie ParkLaser has been used in a variety of medical procedures providing innovative ways of treating a number of problems.

One of the last additions in the plethora of laser treatments can be found in the form of laser teeth whitening which has been growing in popularity receiving their fair share of the spotlight over the years.

Let us look at what laser teeth whitening in Macquarie Park provides to their clients.

It should be noted that laser teeth whitening in North Ryde is endeared by many because of the huge amount of benefits they provide.

Speed is one of its strongest features which gives clients visible whitening results in an hour or so unlike traditional treatments that can take weeks to get the best results.

People who are not familiar with the procedure may have questions such as, “is laser teeth whitening dangerous?” or “is laser whitening safe for your teeth?”. They may be pleased to hear that laser whitening causes no damage to the teeth and it is considered to be safe and gentle especially since it is performed by a trained and experienced professional.

Laser teeth whitening side effects usually involve tooth sensitivity which is commonly felt after the procedure. This generally will last only a few days and is only present with people who have sensitive teeth.

Cost however, is something that needs to be considered in advance. The reason behind this is that laser teeth whitening is considered to be one of the expensive cosmetic dental procedures. Yes, it is quite costly but the results are worth your investment.



North Ryde Dentist


Miyerkules, Hunyo 26, 2019

Is It Important To Find a Paediatric Dentist?

For most parents, this is a very important if not an annoying question.

Why should you, after all, try to find a more specialised dentist when you have your family dentist to take care of you? Why do you have to look for a children’s dentistry?

Well, to be frank, is a paediatric dentist necessary?

Let’s back up a little bit. When your child is feeling unwell, to whom do you take them for medical care? A general practitioner, or a paediatrician? Of course, you would choose to go to the latter, right?

That is because paediatricians are better trained to deal with the needs and requirements of children.

For instance, some medicines require different dosage for children as compared to adults. Paediatricians know about these in detail, and could give appropriate advice to the parents.

Plus, paediatricians also know how delicate the bodies of children can be. They know how to subscribe the proper medical care that can help children avoid developing complications that adults are not otherwise at risk of.

Children’s dentistry in North Ryde

Same goes to paediatric dentists. They are specialists in treating children’s teeth, and are better poised to do procedures in a manner that will not endanger or hurt the little ones.

Children’s dentistry in North Ryde are trained and experienced professionals who can handle children very well when it comes to oral health, making them feel at ease and comfortable on the dentist’s chair for a better checkup.

A lot of parents asked, “At what age do I take my child to the dentist?” Well, your baby’s first dental visit should be around 6 to 12 months of age, at a time when your little one’s baby teeth are starting to grow.



Macquarie Park Dentist


Linggo, Hunyo 23, 2019

Smile Makeover and Its Cost

It should be noted that not everyone is blessed with a great smile. Accidents and mishaps can ruin a perfectly shaped teeth and the same is true to those who have disregarded oral care and hygiene.

With that being said, it is never too late to achieve the perfect smile and it is good to hear that cosmetic dentistry in Macquarie Park has made this dream more achievable with the services that they provide.

Let us look at how much does smile makeover cost?

It is important to note that a smile makeover will consist of a number of dental procedures that all works together in helping their clients achieve their goal.

Among the list includes dental veneers, composite bonding, tooth implants and teeth whitening.

There is no definitive cosmetic dentistry cost with a smile makeover especially since the procedure is a case by case basis depending on what the patient wants to achieve.

Cosmetic dentistry in Macquarie Park

Some patients require all of the dental procedures mentioned earlier to be done to them, while others need only a few.

The lesser procedures you require, the lesser cost you will need for the smile makeover.

Several individuals were able to get the most out of their smile makeover by preparing for them in advance especially if a lot of procedures are involved.

The results with cosmetic dentistry before and after are pretty substantial and noticeable.

This definitely goes a long way in helping make their clients feel that the overall benefits they receive greatly outweighs its cost.



Dentist North Ryde


Miyerkules, Hunyo 19, 2019

Benefits of Full Dental Implants

Missing one or more teeth was a troublesome scenario to a huge number of individuals back then as it is having a huge impact with the overall quality of their smiles.

Modern technology however, has contributed greatly in helping provide a number of solutions to resolve this issue.

This can be found in the form of full dental implants which provide a more convenient and reliable solution to the standard dentures. Let us look at what sets full dental implants in Macquarie Park apart from the others.

Dental implant surgery offers a more permanent solution with tooth loss which is great for those who have a long-term goal in mind. Dentures will need to be replaced between 3 to 8 years.

A full mouth dental implants in North Ryde on the other hand are known to last about 10 to 15 years or even longer when excellent dental care and hygiene is practised.

Full Dental Implants in Macquarie Park

Another thing that helps differentiate permanent dentures in Macquarie Park from their traditional counterparts is the easy maintenance that it brings into the table.

It should be noted that people who wear dentures will have to remove them often at night to help give their gums and bones enough time to relax.

This however, is not a problem with full dental implants as you can set it and forget about them.

Care and maintenance for dental implants include the traditional route of daily brushing and flossing, as well as regular dental checkups with the dentist making it easy to follow.



Dentist Macquarie Park


Linggo, Hunyo 16, 2019

How Do Dentists Attach The Tooth Crown?

dental crown procedure in North RydeYour dental crown is designed to keep your tooth safe and ensures that it lasts you a very long time.

Basically, it acts like a second layer of bone to protect the original tooth, and keep it from breaking apart.

Consider it as some sort of dental armour, if you may.

Just like any kind of armour, the dental crown has an intricate process involved. You may find yourself wondering,

“How long does it take to put a crown on a tooth?” Well, let’s take a quick look at the specifics of the dental crown procedure.

First off, like any preventive dental procedure, it starts with a visit to the doctor.

Usually, a dental crown is necessary when your tooth is severely damaged and is in danger of breaking, but the pulp and tissue inside are still intact and needs to be protected.

Hence, the dentist will order an X-ray in order to ascertain the extent of the damage. He or she will then determine if you need a dental crown or not, or if you will need an additional procedure like a root canal treatment.

If ever the dentist decides that you need a dental crown, your tooth will be resized and reshaped in order to fit the dimensions of the dental crown. Don’t worry as dental crown procedure pain is quite normal and you’ll be given anaesthesia so you wouldn’t feel a thing.

Then, you’d be given a temporary dental crown, and be asked to come back for a second session for the fitting of your permanent tooth crown by North Ryde dentists who specialise on that procedure.


Miyerkules, Hunyo 12, 2019

Dental Check Ups Are Worth It

dental check up and cleaning cost in Macquarie ParkIt should be noted that dental treatments and procedures are usually not provided free of charge. Even the minor ones require a fee in order to make good use of the procedure.

A good example of these are the dental check up and cleaning cost which are considered to be the least expensive one out of the bunch when compared to other dental procedures.

With that being said, check ups are advised to be done at least twice a year or as recommended by your dentist.

Let us look at how much should a dental check up cost and what to expect.

As mentioned earlier, dental check ups play a huge role in keeping our teeth and gums in tip top shape. A dentist will check the overall oral health of their clients for any problems and teeth cleaning may be done as well right after that.

This procedure helps remove the unnecessary buildup of plaque and tartar while at the same time polish your teeth.

Teeth cleaning cost in Macquarie Park can range from $125 to $175 for a routine cleaning. The cost with the checkup and cleaning however, can be alleviated with the help of dental insurance which reduces a fair amount of their cost.

This is the reason why a huge number of individuals find it important to get in touch with an insurance company since dental costs without insurance can be a bit expensive especially when you go to their clinic on a regular basis.


Linggo, Hunyo 9, 2019

Mini Dental Implants: A Worthwhile Investment

Mini dental implants in Macquarie parkThe options regarding dental implants have greatly expanded giving people a huge amount of flexibility on how they want to proceed with the treatment.

One of these innovations can be found in the form of mini dental implants which is growing in popularity receiving their fair share of the spotlight over the years.

Let us look at what is mini implant and how they differ from their regular implant variants.

It should be noted that not everyone is a good candidate in receiving dental implants due to a number of factors. Among the issues include having insufficient bone thickness, those having periodontal diseases and the likes.

It is good to hear however, that people were able to find a very good alternative found in the form of mini dental implants in Macquarie Park.

Are mini dental implants as good as regular implants? Well, more and more individuals are leaning towards the use of mini dental implants for a number of reasons.

For instance, mini implant does not require any type of surgery to perform. This in turn allows faster recovery period while at the same time, also makes the procedure more comfortable and convenient as a result.

Are mini dental implants cheaper? The answer to this question is yes, especially because patients will be able to avoid the cost coming from surgery.

With that being said, it is important to note that the success of this procedure relies heavily on the dentist so make sure that your dentist is skilled for the job.





Miyerkules, Hunyo 5, 2019

Ideal Age For First Dental Cleaning

Paediatric dentist in Macquarie ParkChildren’s teeth require a special kind of dental care, because they’re considered as “soft” or “milk” teeth.

That’s why there are paediatric dentists in Macquarie Park who are always ready to serve the little ones’ needs, so they don’t have to go through the pain or discomfort of infected teeth.

When people ask how soon a child should go to the dentist, well, it’s a lot earlier than you thought. Babies can have teeth growing through their gums as early as six months old.

That is actually the time when you first take your child to meet the dentist – these milk teeth need the loving attention of a paediatric dentist.

So, there you have it. Children can have their first dental visit from a children’s dentistry within their first six to twelve months of life, because that’s when teeth first erupt. Now, because teeth need to be regularly cleaned and taken care of, what is the ideal age for first dental cleaning?

Again, it’s a lot earlier than you might have thought. The ideal age for that first prophylaxis is when all of the child’s teeth have appeared. That’s when their mouths become as crowded as adults, and cleaning becomes a bit more difficult and would require professional attention.

So, without further ado, the ideal age for first dental cleaning of a child is at 12 to 36 months old. You might think that’s a little young, but it’s not. It’s also more important because at this age, children cannot yet be taught how to clean their teeth and would need help.



North Ryde Dentistry
