Huwebes, Marso 17, 2016

Dental Crown- North Ryde Dentistry

What are dental crowns?
A dental brown is a cap that comes in a tooth shape to cover the tooth and restore the size, shape, strength, and also to have an improved appearance of the teeth. When they are cemented, it covers the entire visible part of the teeth from the gums upwards.
What are the uses of dental crowns?
Dental crowns are used for protecting a weak tooth from breakage. It is also used to hold together the parts of a cracked tooth. It is also possible to restore a tooth that has already been broken or is severely damaged. It is also used as a cover for a tooth with a large filling, a tooth that is misshaped or is discolored. It is also used to cover a dental implant and to keep in place a dental bridge. A dental crown also makes a great cosmetic modification for anyone who wants it.
For children, dental crowns can help a lot in saving a tooth from total decay. In the same way, it is also good protection for teeth that have high tendency of suffering from tooth decay. It also lessens the use of anesthesia for a child who may not be able to use it due to a lot of reasons such as age, behavior, or medical condition.
What are the different types of dental crowns?
There are stainless steel crowns which are prefabricated and used on permanent teeth as temporary device. There are also metal crowns that are best to protect against biting and chewing. They are also known to be the longest to use before it starts to wear down. You may also find the porcelain-fused-to-metal dental crowns. They can look more closely like the adjacent natural teeth, but they easily chip off or crack. They are great for front and back teeth.
The all-resin dental crowns are cheaper than the other types but they easily wear down, faster than the porcelain-fused-to-metal kind. It is more prone to fractures. The all-ceramic or all- porcelain is good for those who have allergies to metal. The downside is that they are not as strong as the porcelain-fused-to-metal as well.
You can also find digitally constructed dental crowns and these are called Zirconia or milled crown. They are produced with the use of software and hardware inside a dental lab.
What is the right way to take care of a temporary dental crown?
There are certain precautionary measures that have to be practiced to avoid damage on the temporary crown until the permanent one is done. It is better tom avoid foods that are sticky and chewy since it has the tendency to grab and also pull off the dental crown. Try to minimize the use of that side of the mouth where the crown is located. Also try to avoid hard-to-chew foods since it may dislodge or chip off the crown. When flossing, it is better to slide the floss than to lift it out since it may dislodge the crown.
Are there possible complications in using the dental crown?
You may feel some hot or cold sensitivity on the tooth that has been crowned just recently. Crowns may also fall off, may chip off, and may loosen off. It is also possible for you to develop an allergic reaction towards metal. You might also find a dark line underneath the crowned tooth which you may find next to the gum line.
How long would a dental crown normally last?
Often, it takes around 5 to 15 years for the crown to wear off. It all depends on your oral hygiene practices and also some mouth-related habits you have.

Teeth Whitening at North Ryde Dentistry

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dental procedure which aims to whiten teeth that have been discolored or stained. It is a highly popular cosmetic dental procedure that many people like to undergo to boost their self-esteem and self-confidence. It usually entails bleaching the teeth to make it look cleaner and your smile brighter.
Now let’s talk about the different causes of teeth discoloration or teeth stain. The most common among them is the food and beverages that you take. If you are fond of consuming colored beverages such as soda, red wine, coffee, and teas and consume foods like berries, it is likely that you will suffer from teeth discoloration for a long time. There are also some types of antibiotics that can contribute to teeth discoloration such as tetracycline. Smoking is also another contributor to tooth stain and discoloration. There are also those people who were born with yellow teeth; hence the teeth color may also be genetically caused.
There are a number of teeth whitening options that you can choose from but teeth whitening happens to be the most popular since it is very convenient. This procedure can be done in the dental clinic or even at home on your own. You are to get better results when you do the procedure in the dental clinic than when you do it at home. It is very usual for you to see the results of the teeth whitening right after and as soon as you come out of the dental clinic. However, the at-home teeth whitening procedure is good for those people who are not comfortable being in a dental clinic. There are teeth whitening products that you can buy over the counter of pharmacies such as the whitening strips, gels, or trays. Your dentist may also prescribe to you some over the counter teeth whitening products. An example of which is a mouth tray with strong that comes with strong whitening gel.
When it comes to the cost of teeth whitening, it depends on the type of teeth whitening procedure you have in mind. The most expensive among them is the in-house teeth whitening procedure which may be worth hundreds if not thousands. The teeth whitening alternatives that you can find in the pharmacy may start from $30.
The effects of teeth whitening procedure are not going to last for a lifetime. You may enjoy it from a period of months to a year. The thing with teeth whitening is that you can prolong its effects through avoiding those foods and beverages that can stain it. You should also avoid alcohol consumption. If you ever consume these, make it a point to brush your teeth immediately after.
About the results of teeth whitening, you should also be aware that a teeth whitening procedure has different effects on every person. Hence two people who undergo the procedure may not have the same results. For instance, if the teeth are yellowed, then it can be whitened quite easily, but not gray teeth. That is why it’s always wise to consult your dentist so he or she can advise you of the right whitening initiative to take.